NANCARE NANCARE Flora - Equilibrium

20 sachets

NANCARE Flora - Equilibrium Sachets. Food Supplement containing GOS and FOS prebiotic fibres. From birth. 



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Food supplement for infants and children with GOS and FOS prebiotic fibers that promote the balance of intestinal flora. GOS (galacto-oligosaccharides) and FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides), are compounds formed respectively by multiple units of galactose and fructose linked to a unit of glucose, sugars normally present in nature. GOS and FOS are prebiotic fibers, also present in some foods, which confer a health benefit, favoring the balance of intestinal flora. The composition of the intestinal flora depends on several factors, including nutrition, and it is important that there is a balance condition. Prebiotics favor the balance of the intestinal flora and in adequate quantities they are able to promote the development of bacterial groups useful to humans. The altered intestinal flora can lead to constipation, a disorder characterized by a reduced number of evacuations and / or hard stools that require excessive effort to evacuate.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Food supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Before using the product, it is advisable to seek the opinion of the doctor. Read the package leaflet carefully. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.


INGREDIENTS: Galacto-oligosaccharides (contains MILK) and Fructo-oligosaccharides


Recommended daily dose: 2 sachets. Each pack contains 10 doses. Open the sachet along the dotted line. Dissolve the entire contents of the sachet in milk or other drinks (at least 30 ml) and take immediately. It is advisable to hear the opinion of the pediatrician.