
The Intensive therapy for chronic dry eyes with inflammatory symptoms. The special combination of Hyaluronic acid and natural Ectoine help provide relief of severe chronic dry eyes as well as providing protection and relief from inflammatory symptoms such as itching and burning.




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The combination of highly viscous hyaluronic acid and ectoine protects the ocular surface from re-drying and stabilises the tear film. Ectoine stabilses the lipid phase of the tear film, protecting against excessive evaporation of the tear film.

Long-lasting relief of inflammatory symptoms and support of the body’s barrier against inflammatory symptoms

For intensive and long-lasting lubrication of chronic dry eyes with inflammatory symptoms

Preservative free


Can be used for up to 6 months after opening

Step 1: Remove the cap before use.

Step 2: Hold the bottle upside down with your thumb on the shoulder of the bottle and the other fingers on the bottom of the bottle.

Step 3: Support the hand holding the bottle with your free hand.

Step 4: Tilt your head back, gently pull the lower lid away from the eye with your free hand and trigger the drip mechanism with quick and strong pressure. Repeat the procedure for the other eye.

Step 5: After use, close the dropper tip again by replacing the cap.