A woman in a white dress sitting in a golden field of tall grass, smiling as she enjoys the serene landscape. The background features rolling green hills and a cloudy sky, creating a peaceful and natural atmosphere.
Vitamins & Supplements

ProVen Women Probiotics: Benefits for UTI Prevention

How Can ProVen Women Probiotics with Cranberry help prevent UTIs?

Urinary tract infections are bacterial infections of any part of the urinary tract that cause inflammation. Urinary tract infections are the most common bacterial infection among women, around 50–60% of women will develop UTIs in their lifetimes. 

Main symptoms of a UTI: 

  • A burning or painful feeling when urinating 
  • Needing to urinate more frequently 
  • Cloudy or Bloody Urine 
  • Having a high or low temperature 

What causes a UTI? 

Anything that leads to a change in the usual urogenital bacterial flora can cause a urinary tract infection. In many cases, this is due to a transfer of bacteria from the rectum to the urethra after a bowel movement. 

However, in post-menopausal women, a change in their vaginal microbiome can also increase the risk of UTIs. This is due to a natural decrease in levels of Lactobacillus spp. which is the primary bacteria in the vagina of pre-menopausal women.  

How can I Prevent a UTI? 

Pro-Ven Woman Probiotics with Cranberry


The mechanisms by which they have an effect have been shown to include balancing the immune system, reducing the bacteria moving up from the intestines and preventing bacteria from colonising and surviving in the urinary tract.  

Cranberry & Vitamin B6 

Researchers believe that the polyphenols cranberries contain – anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins – could be the reason cranberries have proven effective in preventing UTIs.  

The following can also help to support immunity and maintain the balance of healthy bacteria: 

  • Healthy balanced diet 
  • Reducing intake of sugary food 
  • Increasing water content  

Please note that it is important to speak to your GP if your UTI does not clear up after a couple of days of trying home remedies, or if you find you suffer from recurrent infections. 

Pro-Ven Urgent-C Everyday Immune Support. Your Daily Shield for Immune and Gut Health.